Project HisTochText
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In the laboratory analysis material of the manuscript
Analysis Material
It is a chemical element (still not identified) which is the result of the degradation product of Rhodoïd (cellulose acetate sheets used to encapsulate documents). This 'crystal' started to melt when observed under a microscope in direct white light. This is the Pelliot Sanskrit UDANAVARGA 11_1 manuscript.
Published by Emilie Nguyen
Activity of team
Writings from Central Asia, 1st millennium - Georges-Jean Pinault
May, 2022
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Conference in ILARA- The Institute Of Rare Languages - One of the four Institutes of PSL
Published by ILARA
New publications
| Novelties in the lexicon and grammar of Tocharian A | 2023, October 12 | Book Launch. Tocharian A Dictionary: EPHE - Paris, Goethe University - Frankfurt am Main
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| Tocharian lexicography and etymology | 2023, April 20 | Leiden University Center in Linguistics
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| Exploring the potential of pyrolysis-comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in the characterization of Chinese inks of ancient manuscripts | 2022,juin | Science direct
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| Suffixes from roots: the case of PIE *-bho- and related issues | 2022, Wiesbaden | Zurück zur Wurzel Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen - Wiesbaden 2022 Reichert Verlag
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| ITEM_Les contributions de l’analyse du papier: technologie, matière première, histoire de la restauration | 2022, Oct | Journée d'Etude Organisée par L’AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) et l'ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes)
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Publications In the offing
| Citation en „langue de Bouddha” dans l’Udānavarga : le fragment Pelliot Skt. Udānavarga 128 | En vue de publication
| Pelliot Sanskrit Rouge 12.1 : un morceau de texte du Pravāraṇāvastu | En vue de publication
| Pelliot Sanskrit Rouge 14.4b-14.7a: un morceau de texte de Daśabalasūtra | En vue de publication
| Pelliot Sanskrit Rouge 14.7a-14.12 : des fragments de Nidānasūtra | En vue de publication
| Pelliot Sanskrit vert : présentation générale d'une collection inédite | En vue de publication