sample manuscript for publication

HisTochText - History of the Tocharian texts of the Pelliot Collection

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 788205)

Collaborations of project HISTOCHTEXT

Presentation collaborations

The team working on the HisTochText project is led by Georges-Jean Pinault, professor, director of studies, EPHE, PSL. It brings together researchers of different statuses: the list below indicates their respective affiliations. This team is evolving, and is likely to integrate new members. These modifications will be indicated on this page as needed. These researchers include post-docs, doctoral students (PhD EPHE, PSL students) in addition to tenured researchers who belong to different establishments, in France and abroad. The actual team is supplemented by a circle of associate researchers and collaborators who work regularly with the project director and the different members, according to the different research axes.

Collaborations (2018-2019)

  • FELLNER - Hannes A.


    Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Division Digital Philology at the Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies, University of Vienna


    PI of the project 'The Characters that shaped the Silk Road - A Database and Digital Paleography of Tarim Brahmi' at the Department of Linguistics

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erc european commission-project manuscript tocharian